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Vokaali- ja kuoroteokset orkesterin kanssa
Promotions kantaten år 1914 (Kantaatti Helsingin yliopiston promootioon 1914) Op. 22
Promotion Cantata for University of Helsinki 1914
Composed: 1914
soprano, 2120/2211/10/0, strings and mixed choir
Duration: 27'
Text by Ernst V. Knape, translated into Finnish by Väinö Vesala
I Maestoso non troppo lento
II L'istesso tempo
III Andantino [originally for reciter and orchestra]
IV Maestoso molto tranquillo
V Ma tranquillo
VI Maestoso
Fp: Suomen Laulu, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Robert Kajanus, May 29, 1914
Publisher: Collection of the Society of Finnish Composers; distribution Music Finland
[Arrangements piano and choir, published by The Sibelius Museum and
for male choir and orchestra, unpublished]
Sammon ryöstö (The Abduction of The Sampo) Op. 24 | Osta/Buy
Symphonic Poem
Composed: 1915
baritone, 2222/4331/11/1, strings and male choir
[2cl in A.]
Duration: 13'
Text from the Kalevala
Fp: Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Heikki Klemetti, April 16, 1915
[Choral score published as Op. 23 by Viipurin Lauluveikot and Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat, unpublished]
Aslak Smaukka Op. 37 | Osta/Buy
Symphonic Poem for male voice choir, baritone and orchestra
Composed: 1917
baritone, 3222/4331/12/0, strings and male choir
[fl+pic, 2cl in A.]
Duration: 14'
Text by Larin-Kyösti, "Romansseja & balladeja" (1913?)
Fp: Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Leevi Madetoja, April 8, 1926
Publisher: Laulu-Miehet, Helsinki
[Arrangement for baritone, male choir and two pianos, unpublished]
Stabat mater (Marian murhe) Op. 27/2 | Spotify
Composed: 1917
female choir and string orchestra
Duration 8'
Text by Jacopo dei Benedetti ("Jacopone da Todi"), translated into Finnish by A. Ahlqvist-Oksanen
Fp: Suomen Laulu, April 6, 1917
Publisher: Suomen Laulu, Helsinki
[See also Op. 27/1 Choral and Vocal Works with Instrumental Accopaniment]
Säestyksellisiä vokaaliteoksia Op. 40/1-3
Vocal works with accompaniment
Valtiopäivävirsi (Isänmaan virsi) Op. 40/1
[Other name: Hymni isänmaalle]
Composed: 1917
mixed choir, string orchestra and organ
Duration: 4’
Text by Niilo Mantere ("Juhani Merenheimo")
Fp: Suomen Laulu, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, November 13, 1917
Publisher: Suomen Laulu [choral score only]
Tuhanten rantain partahilla (Morgonsång) Op. 40/2
Composed: 1918
2222/2221/10/0, strings and mixed choir
[2cl in A]
Duration: 6'
Text by Zachris Topelius, translated into Finnish by Paavo Cajander
Fp: Suomen Laulu, December 4, 1918
Publisher: Suomen Laulu
[Arrangements: male choir and orchestra / organ, mixed choir and orchestra / organ]
Isänmaalle Op. 40/3
Composed: 1917
mixed choir, string orchestra or organ
Publisher: Suomen Laulu
[Unfinished, only a sketch?]
Pellervon laulu Op. 42/1
Composed: 1913
[See: Works for Mixed Choir]
Vapauden aamu[na] Op. 42/2
Composed: 1917
2222/4331/11/0, strings and male choir
[3tr in F.]
Duration: 5'
Text by H. Lehtinen (L. Onerva), "Murattiköynnös" (1918)
Publisher: Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat [only choir score]
[Arrangement for male choir and piano]
Kansanvalta Op. 42/3
Composed: 1912?
unisono choir, 3 cornets, alto horn, tenor horn, baritone horn, tuba
[cornet in Eb, 2cornet in B, tba in Eb.]
Text by Eino Leino, "Runokirja" (1906)
Publisher: Fennica Gehrman (Edition Fazer)
[Arrangement for voice and piano, published by Lindgren 1913]
Vapauden marssi Op. 42/4
Composed: 1918
[See Choral and Vocal Works with Instrumental Accompaniment]
Mies mieheltä Op. 42/5
Composed: 1919
male choir and brass ensemble
Duration: 3'
Text by Eino Leino, "Painuva päivä" (1914)
Fp: Oulu, February 1919
[Score missing. See arrangements]
Elämän päivät (The Days of Life) Op. 47 | Esitysmateriaali/Performance materials
Cantata for soprano, mixed choir and orchestra
Composed: 1920
2232/4331/10/0, strings
Duration: 30'
Text by V. A. Koskenniemi, "Uusia runoja" (1924)
Fp: Aino Ackté, soprano, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Leevi Madetoja, February 15, 1920
Publisher: Fennica Gehrman (orchestral score)
[Score partly missing]
Napuen sankarien muistolle (To the Memory of the Heroes of Napue) Op. 48
Cantata for battle of Isoviha in February 1714
Composed: 1920
Cantata for unisono choir and brass orchestra
Duration: 6'
Text by A. Forsman
Fp: Isokyrö, July 10, 1920
[Unpublished, score partly missing. Choral score prepared by Erkki Salmenhaara]
Väinämöisen kylvö (Väinämöinen Sows the Wilderness) Op. 46 | Esitysmateriaali/Performance materials
Symphonic poem for soprano or tenor and orchestra
Composed: 1920
3222/4331/11/1, strings
Duration: 11'
Text by Kalevala [2:287-]
Fp: Aino Ackté, soprano, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Leevi Madetoja, February 28, 1920
Publisher: Fennica Gehrman (Edition Fazer 1945)
Pako Egyptiin (The Flight for Egypt) Op. 61
[Other name: Sekvenssi]
Composed: 1924
soprano, 2222/2231/10/0, organ, strings, mixed choir
Duration: 10'
Text by H. Lehtinen (L. Onerva)
Fp: Gösta Stråhle, soprano, Sekakuoro Sirpaleet, cond. Leevi Madetoja, Vaasa, February 7, 1932
Publisher: Fennica Gehrman (Edition Fazer)
[See arrangement for soprano, mixed choir and organ]
De profundis Op. 56 | Spotify | Osta/Buy
Composed: 1925
baritone, male choir
Text by Bible, Psalm 130 (in latin)
I Andante (De profundis)
II Lento (Si iniquitates; baritone and choir)
III Allegretto (Speravit anima mea)
IV Andante sostenuto (Quia apud Dominum)
Duration: 7'10''
Fp: Laulu-Miehet, Helsinki, March 23, 1926
Publisher: Laulu-Miehet
[See an arrangement for baritone and mixed choir]
Planeettain laulu (The Song of the Planets) Op. 59
Cantata for promotion ceremony at the University of Turku
Composed: 1927
soprano, mixed choir, 2222/3221/11/0, strings
Text by V. A. Koskenniemi, "Elegioja" (1917)
1. Tähtien kuoro (Allegro moderato)
2. Lasten kuoro (Allegretto)
3. Nuorukaisten & neitojen kuoro (Largamente - Allegretto)
4. Vanhojen kuoro (Andante)
5. Tähtien kuoro [same score as in 1. part - with different text]
Duration: 15'
Fp: Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Leevi Madetoja, Turku, May 12, 1927
Commissioned by University of Turku
Publisher: Kansallis-Kuoro 1930 (choral score)
Lux triumphans (Kantaatti) Op. 63
Cantata for Centenary of University of Helsinki
Composed: 1928
soprano, 2222/3221/11/0, strings and mixed choir
Text by Otto Manninen
I Grave (Lux triumphans)
II Ad manes et maiores
III Pro humanitate
Duration: 18’
Fp: Suomen Laulu, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Leevi Madetoja, November 1, 1928
[Unpublished, see arrangement for soprano, mixed choir and organ]
Suomi Op. 64a
[Finland’s contribution to the Nordic cantata Sangen i Norden]
Composed: 1928
mixed choir, 2222/4331/10/0, strings
Duration: 4'30''
Text by Axel Juel
Publisher: not published
[piano score Dansk korförening 1087]
Luonto & ihminen (Tampere-kantaatti) Op. 70
Cantata for Tampere 150 year anniversary
Composed: 1929
mixed choir and brass ensemble
Text by L. Pohjanpää
1. Näsijärven laineet
2. Kosken laulu
3. Tehtaanpiippujen kuoro
4. Pyynikin laulu
5. Pyhäjärven laineet
Duration: 20'
Fp: Festival choir, Brass band of the Tampereen työväenyhdistys (Tampere Workers' Union), cond. S. B. Lundelin, November 6, 1929
Publisher: Puromiehen kirjapaino 1929 [only choral score]
[See arrangements for orchestra]
Suomen itsenäisyyden kuusi Op. 72/2
Composed: 1931
baritone, mixed choir and brass ensemble
Text by Rudolf Ray
Duration: 15'
Fp: Suomen Laulu, The White Guard brass band, May 13, 1931
Commisioned by the "Independent's Spruce" celebration commission
Publisher: Unpublished
[See Integer vitae Op. 72/1 in Choral Works for Mixed Choir and arrangements]
Väinämöisen soitto Op. 76 | Esitysmateriaali/Performance materials | Partituuri/Score
Cantata for the song and music festival in honour of the Kalevala centenary in Sortavala 1935
Composed: 1935
soprano and baritone, 2222/4331/10/0, strings and male choir
Text from Kalevala
1. Kanteleen synty
2. Väinämöinen soittaa
Duration: 25'
Fp (1.): Sortavala, June 29, 1935
Fp (complete): Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Kilven kuoro, cond. Armas Järnefelt, Helsinki, February 28, 1936
Publisher: Fennica Gehrman (Edition Fazer)
Lauluseppele Op. 78 | Spotify
Composed: 1938
Cantata for baritone, male choir and orchestra
2232/4231/11/0, strings
Text by Lauri Pohjanpää, "Sininen hämärä" (1933)
1. Lauluseppele
2. Serenadi
3. Hymni isänmaalle
Duration: 12'
Commissioned by Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat for its 50th anniversary
Fp: Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat, April 26, 1947
Publisher: Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat [only choir score]
[See arrangement for baritone and male choir]
Yiain laulu I (Yiais sang I from ballett Okon Fuoko Op. 58/1) | Esitysmateriaali/Performance materials
soprano, 2221/2200/00/1, strings
[other version: piano, 1010/0100/00/0, strings]
Duration: 3'45''
Text by Poul Knudsen
Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
[See arrangement for voice and piano]
Yiain laulu II (Yiais sang II from ballett Okon Fuoko Op. 58/2) | Esitysmateriaali/Performance materials
soprano, 2220/1000/00/0
[strings: 1.& 2.vl, vla, vlc.]
[other version: 2221/0000/00/0, strings]
Duration: 1'45
Text by Poul Knudsen
Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
[See arrangement for voice and piano]